A Mobile Intensive Care Unit (MICU) is an emergency response unit staffed by Advanced Life Support Paramedics which complements the basic life-support therapies provided by EMTs from local first aid squads and fire departments. Essentially, the MICU brings the life-saving capabilities of the Emergency Department to you.
The MICU’s Paramedics communicate directly with Emergency Department physicians and provide advanced life-support therapies en-route to the hospital.
Atlantic Mobile Health operates MICU teams 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are proud to work alongside the local first aid squads, fire departments, and police departments in the communities we serve, working as a cohesive team to provide the best possible patient care.
Each state provides criteria for the automatic dispatch of an MICU (in addition to your local first aid squad or fire department) when 9-1-1 is activated, based on the specific medical or traumatic complaint. Basic life support providers (EMTs) may also request an MICU when they identify a potentially life-threatening condition.
Examples of the types of emergencies the MICU may respond to include:
- Respiratory or cardiac arrest
- Cardiac emergencies
- Breathing emergencies
- Stroke
- Major motor vehicle collisions
- Severe trauma or burns
- Severe allergic reactions
- Unconsciousness/fainting
- Poisoning or overdose
- Diabetic emergencies
- Seizures
- Pregnancy or obstetrical emergencies
Atlantic Mobile Health Paramedics are trained and measured against the strictest standards of quality; requiring prior experience as an EMT, 400+ hours of didactic training, and 900+ hours of clinical experience. Paramedics also receive focused training in caring for pediatric, geriatric, and special needs patients. Paramedics are equipped to perform advanced procedures and administer medications for a variety of potentially life-threatening conditions.
Advanced skills include but are not limited to:
- Intravenous therapy and fluid administration
- Advanced airway management (ie, CPAP, intubation, RSI, capnography)
- Video laryngoscopy (GlideScope®)
- Mechanical Ventilation (ZOLL®)
- Administer 45+ medications
- Foreign-body airway obstruction removal
- Cardiac monitoring and electrical therapy (cardiac pacing, cardioversion, defibrillation) utilizing ZOLL® Series X
- 12-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) and transmission to the ED physician
- Point-of-care diagnostic testing for blood glucose and whole blood lactate
- Intraosseous (IO) access
- Use of established vascular access devices (Port-a-Cath, PICC line, etc.)
- Needle thoracotomy (chest decompression)
- Emergency cricothyroidotomy
Recent clinical initiatives:
- Reduced time-to-treatment for STEMI patients
- Tele-stroke in the rig for rapid identification and faster treatment of stroke patients
- Early identification of sepsis through the use of lactate meters
- High-performance CPR initiative to improve cardiac arrest survival
- Spinal Motion Restriction initiative to decrease the inappropriate use of rigid boards
- Improved ventilation/oxygenation through the use of PEEP valves
Atlantic Mobile Health operates MICU teams 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We are proud to work alongside the local First Aid Squads, Fire Departments, and Police Departments in the communities we serve, working as a cohesive team to provide the best possible patient care.